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Transition zone

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The transition zone and the boxes are next to the beach of the #LagodeAsPontes ?‍♂️?‍♀️?‍♂️?‍♀️?‍♂️?‍♀️
There will be a basket next to each bike where you will have to leave all your material except the shoes ?
In T1 you can change the wetsuit for your triathlete suit or shorts, but remember to do it in the two tents set up for it (men and women) or the judges will disqualify you for stripping in public ⛔️
A surveillance company will watch over your bicycles, but we recommend you take GPS, tubulars or other smaller pieces with you because it is a very large space for 750 participants.

Do you want to be a Northwest Triman 2022 Volunteer….

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Do you want to volunteer for Northwest Triman 2022 ⁉️
You will be able to live the race from within with the best sports and camaraderie atmosphere ?‍♂️?‍♀️?‍♂️
The volunteer bag includes many gifts: the official test fleece, t-shirt, socks and backpack, food, drink, sweets and nuts to get you through the day ?????
The registration period for volunteers will be open until Wednesday, June 15 at 12 noon or until the quota of available places is completed. ?
Click on the link and you will be able to choose the position and the shift that best suits you: aid stations, bicycles and support canoes, tent, finish line... ?


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circuit #cycling it has 45 kilometers with 1,000 meters of liaison to exit and enter the transition zone ?‍♀️?‍♂️
The most dangerous point is after the main roundabout of the lake: they are two curves linked downhill in which we recommend keeping your hands on the brakes ⚠️
The accumulated difference in altitude is 710m in the medium distance test and 1380m in the long distance test. The only elevation begins at the exit of the town: in 3km you climb 130m, not very demanding for the medium level. ?‍♀️?‍♂️
There are two aid stations per lap and they will be located at each turning point marked with a sign. There will be 6 volunteers separated by about 5 meters to deliver cans, bars, gels and bananas ???
There is a bicycle repair tent in case of a puncture or mechanical problem. There will be tools, chains, tires, but no one can touch your bike. Outside help is prohibited ⛔️
Drafting is also not allowed. We offer a wide circuit, closed to traffic and with great distance per lap. It is up to you to know the regulations and fight against the cheater to avoid penalties

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