In these moments of uncertainty, of not knowing what to do or say, and after the extension of the confinement until April 11, we have decided to write this Post to try to convey our thoughts and answer some questions.
Above all, appeal to our sports and fighting spirit to get out of this "war" that we have had to fight together.
You already know that our test is to be held on June 28, and although there are still more than 3 months to go, we see it necessary for you to know what our position is as athletes, almost more than as organizers.
Will the test be held on the scheduled date? That is our intention and hope, but it is clear that deadlines must be set, and although the "obligations" are imposed by the Government and local authorities, in the end we must be the ones who decide. Thus, we have agreed to set a deadline, May 5, to make a final decision. If upon reaching that date we do not see the sanitary conditions, or adequate to dispute the test, we would go to plan B, which would be to propose another date in collaboration with the City Council, Federation and DGT.
We encourage you to continue with enthusiasm and training within your possibilities until then. Of course it will be a different competition, simply being able to compete outdoors and try to reach the finish line will already be the objective that we all must set for ourselves, forget about the times and the objectives of MMP, simply close your eyes and imagine yourself right now if you could run, swim or ride a bike…. just enjoy again!!
And finally, from here we want to send a message of calm, optimism and unity, in these moments that we are going through, we must support each other, athletes and organizations. Ours, as you know, is made up of athletes who work throughout the year to offer you the best possible test and this year we will fight more than ever to get the test off the ground!
Muuucha Salud Amig@s, to vosotr@s and to your families!!


Northwest Triman

Author Northwest Triman

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Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Fer says:

    Thanks for the post. You are all great. The best. Cheer up and keep strong for everyone. This year, whatever the date, we are going to enjoy it like never before 🙂

  • Guillermo Miguel says:

    Thank you very much for the comments of encouragement in these moments of uncertainty.
    And thank you also for letting us know about your intentions. Many of us will be doing the impossible to train, going around the house, or burning the rollers.
    And also many thanks to you for the effort and enthusiasm you put.

  • Roberto 8 says:

    Thank you for that hopeful message. Hopefully we can enjoy such a special race.
    Much encouragement to tod@s!!!

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