By November 18, 2014News

We have a training partner, a little animal, he always comments that he does sports to stay healthy… but in his head. And you are absolutely right, at this point our body is already trained enough to be physically healthy with just 3/4 sessions of 1 hour per week.

Sport has become one of the best remedies for daily stress and a way to restart daily. We have to admit that this drug has stung us all, and many of us "need" our daily dose of km to be fit and happy. In fact the days

It's weekly rest, many of us go out to do "something" even knowing that it is bad for our

search for physical improvement, but the "monkey" to that feeling of freedom and suffering with the consequent mental disconnection makes it very difficult for us to be on the couch reading a magazine about life.

aerodynamic improvement with 90 profile wheels….

If you get injured it's crazy, you think you'll die, although you always find a way to keep your head busy, well I can't run, but if I do Core, I'll take the opportunity to swim with a pull and by the way I do upper body that I lack….

Something similar happens with competitions, the vast majority have started after 25/30 years, we have liked the sensations of competing, and our improvement has been evident. When it has begun to cost us to improve our times, we have made the leap to other longer distances, half marathons... and then to multisport, BTT, ultratrails, raids, triathlons... and in the end the ones that most attract us are those in which more time, more effort and more unattainable seem to us.

In the house of the little animal, they are no longer surprised that he does 200 km by bike, or that he runs 21 km just to let loose…. Or that he uses the bike as a means of transport and goes to a baptism in another autonomous community while the rest of the family goes by car (he showers there and wins a training session, comments the animal...). Sometimes I see him running at night with the headlamp while the others sleep, and when he goes on a trip (including the wedding) he always takes his sneakers, we drive and he thinks ummmm this slope will be a 5%?…

If all or any of this happens to you, you are a clear case of a long-term runner.

As at the moment there is no therapy to cure what is ours, let off steam right here, what crazy things have you done to not miss a training session?


The Little Animal.



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